
I am

Chetan Mathur

My Expertise


    • I can Coach and Guide your Finance team on Reporting, Internal controls, Direct and Indirect taxes, Treasury and Statutory compliances as a part-time Advisor.
    • I have 11 years’ experience as a Financial Controller in India and Asia at PepsiCo.
    • I am advising large accounting and consulting firms as a Business Expert.
    • I was a member of ICAI Financial Reporting Review Group at New Delhi from 2015 to 2017.
    • I have worked as a member of a Group instituted by ICAI on a Technical guide on Accounting and Auditing – Aviation

Independent Non-executive Director

    • I am open to Independent NED positions in Mid to large companies especially in FMCG/CG sector. Currently independent NED at Prataap Snacks Ltd and previously at Mahindra HZPC Ltd
    • Trained at Non-Executive Directors’ Association UK www.nedaglobal.com in 2018
    • Fellow Member at Association of Independent Directors of India www.aidindia.com
    • I am listed in Independent Directors Databank at IICA (Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs)

Risk Advisory and Internal Audit

    • I would love to work with the Board, CXO team and Operating teams to implement a robust internal control framework and ERM framework. I can guide the team to implement a BCP and DRP as well.
    • At PepsiCo I got an opportunity to lead this initiative across businesses in Africa and Asia.
    • I am currently on the Board of “Global Risk Management Institute” GRMI which has allowed me to remain current and have access to resources relating to risk management.
    • GRMI has strategic partnership with Institute of Internal Audit.

Transformation and Integration

    • I can help Companies to implement Finance transformation example implement/enhance ERP solutions, implement shared services and reorganize finance function
    • I can also help Companies to implement integration post mergers and acquisitions
    • At PepsiCo, I have led Finance Transformation in India and work on mergers in India and MEA

Coaching and Mentoring

    • I will be happy to coach and mentor your Finance Leaders and their team
    • I have led Finance teams of varying size from 10 to 60 and across many cultures since 2003
    • I have received very good ratings on people objectives at PepsiCo

Internal Audit

    • If you need a Chief Audit Executive for a short stint, I can help you.
    • I led the Internal Audit team in Asia and Africa for 2 years at PepsiCo
    • Since I am an Hony Director at GRMI, I have access to IIA members and resources